Geographic Information Systems (GIS): Bachelor of Technology

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Program type
Bachelor’s Degree
3 - 5 years (part-time)
Start date
January, April, September
$7,400 total


The Bachelor of Technology in Geographic Information Systems (GIS) will teach you to use GIS software, hardware and peripheral devices, customize GIS software, develop and design GIS databases, analyze GIS data, write software to convert GIS data formats and write utility programs, use image analysis software and integrate images and other types of GIS information, discuss and use GIS theory to make decisions concerning GIS implementation, manage a GIS, train GIS users, implement and complete a GIS project, compare and discuss GIS software products. After graduation, you may work for either private industry (forestry, GIS vendors, natural resource exploration, computer systems) consulting companies (environmental, engineering, forestry, mapping, scanning, and software) or government agencies (municipal, provincial, federal). Graduates are developing GIS databases, using GIS to analyze data and predict the result of planned changes, managing GIS projects, planning the acquisition of GIS technology, developing GIS custom systems and training GIS users.

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