Dance with the National Ballet School Teachers' Training: Diploma and Bachelor of Fine Arts Degree

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Program type
Bachelor’s Degree, Diploma
5 years
Start date
$6,300 year one


The Bachelor of Fine Arts Degree in Dance with the National Ballet School Teachers' Training allows you to initiate your studies at SFU or the National Ballet School (NBS). To obtain a BFA degree and a NBS Teacher Training Diploma, you must spend their first three years at SFU, then transfer to the NBS for the remaining two years. If you transfer to SFU after three years of study at NBS, you'll then complete two – three years at SFU. You'll take courses in dance, composition, choreography, improvisation, dance history, movement aesthetics, and more. Upon graduation, you'll be equipped to work as a performer and choreographer, and in a variety of fields including education, arts administration, physical therapy, and more.


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